Rick Gordon
Rick Gordon is a principal and consulting actuary with Milliman's Employee Benefits Consulting Practice. He joined the firm in 2001.
Rick has over 25 years of pension and employee benefits consulting experience. He serves both public and private sector clients regarding their defined benefit pension and retiree medical plans. Rick performs all aspects of actuarial consulting, including actuarial valuations, experience studies, plan design cost studies, FASB valuations for developing expense and year-end disclosure for FASB ASC Topic 715, and government filings. Assignments also include GASB valuations under 67, 68, 74, and 75. He has developed stochastic asset-liability projection models for private and public sector clients to assess volatility of future funding levels and the cost of proposed plan changes. Rick also has experience in performing audits for pension plans, including analysis of data, actuarial procedures, and assumptions. Additionally, he consults for various state-run college prepaid tuition programs. Rick is a member of Milliman’s GASB 67/68 Task Force and is also co-author for Milliman’s Public Pension Funding Study, which provides an independent analysis of the country’s 100 largest public pension plans.
- Co-author of Milliman's annual Public Pension Funding Study - milliman.com/ppfs.
- Co-author of Milliman's annual Public Pension Funding Index - milliman.com/ppfi.
- GASB 67/68: Relationship Between Valuation Date, Measurement Date, and Reporting Date (PERiScope, March 2014).
- Discount Rates: Pension Case Study (International Actuarial Association monograph, 2011).
- Fellow, Society of Actuaries
- Enrolled Actuary, ERISA
- Member, American Academy of Actuaries
- BS, Mathematics, Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania