Charlie Linn
Charlie directs actuarial development for Milliman Life Technology Solutions. In this capacity, he manages Integrate standard database development, and is also the lead actuary responsible for the MG-Triton Traditional and MG-Triton Health systems. He joined Milliman in 2003.
Charlie has been a member of the MG-Triton group since 1994. He has developed both the MG-Triton Traditional and MG-Triton Health systems, concentrating mostly on design and specifications, but has also been involved with actual coding. He also has worked with MG-Triton clients providing training and ongoing support related to running the systems, as well as assisting with the analysis of results. In 2014, Charlie took over responsibility of managing the Integrate standard database team, with a focus on enhancing valuation capabilities.
Prior to joining the MG-Triton group, Charlie was with Connecticut Mutual Life for nine years where he performed various functions in individual life financial reporting, group pensions, investments, and individual life pricing, providing extensive experience in financial reporting, pricing, and design of individual life insurance and health products.
Charlie is a past chairperson of the Society of Actuaries Computer Science Section and has been a presenter at various Society meetings.
- Fellow, Society of Actuaries
- Member, American Academy of Actuaries
- BA, Mathematics and Spanish, Amherst College