Henny Verheugen
Henny Verheugen is a principal and consulting actuary in the Amsterdam office of Milliman, specializing in IFRS 17, Solvency II, and M&A's for life insurance.
Henny joined Milliman in 2006 and has 38 years of experience in the insurance industry.
Before Milliman, he was a manager of the Group Actuarial and Risk Management department of Delta Lloyd Group (part of Aviva), and worked seven years as a senior manager for Ernst & Young in the Netherlands and Belgium. He started his career with ASR Insurance where he held several roles in actuarial, finance, and M&A.
He is specialized in Solvency II (internal models, validation), IFRS 17, and M&A. He has helped several clients with the development and implementation of internal models for life risks. Furthermore, he validated several internal models as part of the application process. In recent years, he has been involved with several IFRS 17 projects as subject matter expert.
- Fellow Royal Dutch Actuarial Association (AAG)
- Actuarial Science, University of Amsterdam (Postgraduate education at the Dutch Actuarial Institute), The Netherlands