Eric Buzby
Consulting Actuary
New York, NY, US
Eric is a consulting actuary with the New York office of Milliman. He joined the firm in 2016.
Eric has over 10 years of experience in healthcare actuarial consulting. He specializes in health plan pricing and strategy and Medicare Advantage bid development.
His experience includes financial forecasting and reporting, Medicare Advantage feasibility studies, claim liability reserving, and employee benefit plan strategy.
Prior to joining Milliman, Eric worked at an employee benefits consulting firm managing several mid- and large-size employer clients. In his roles, he was responsible for PBM contract pricing, health plan underwriting, wellness program strategy, and assisted several clients in the transition to a private exchange.
Professional Designations
- Fellow, Society of Actuaries
- Member, American Academy of Actuaries
- B.A., Economics, Vanderbilt University
Read their latest work
Overview of Medicare Advantage supplemental healthcare benefits and review of Contract Year 2023 offerings
29 March 2023 - by Catherine M. Murphy-Barron, Eric Buzby, Sean Pittinger
We examine the landscape for Medicate Advantage supplement healthcare benefits and review offerings for contract year 2023.
Review of Contract Year 2023 Medicare Advantage expanded supplemental healthcare benefit offerings
22 November 2022 - by Catherine M. Murphy-Barron, Eric Buzby, Sean Pittinger
Medicare Advantage organizations continue to increase supplemental benefit offerings available through expanded flexibility.
Strategy considerations for effectively entering the Medicare Advantage market
14 July 2022 - by Eric Buzby, Harsha Mirchandani, Jared Hirsch
Six important topics insurers should consider as they contemplate entering the Medicare Advantage market.
Overview of Medicare Advantage supplemental healthcare benefits and review of Contract Year 2022 offerings
21 March 2022 - by Catherine M. Murphy-Barron, Eric Buzby, Sean Pittinger
This paper examines several elements of Medicare Advantage plans that go beyond what traditional Medicare offers.
Overview of Medicare Advantage supplemental healthcare benefits and review of Contract Year 2021 offerings
10 February 2021 - by Catherine M. Murphy-Barron, Eric Buzby, Sean Pittinger
This paper gives an overview of Medicare Advantage and the additional benefits included that go beyond traditional Medicare.
Bundled payments for self-insured employers: An alternative to traditional cost controls
30 December 2020 - by Pamela M. Pelizzari, Suzanne Taranto, Eric Buzby
This paper looks at the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation's bundled, or episode-based payment models and finds opportunities for employers, challenges in implementation, and services to target.
Review of Contract Year 2021 Medicare Advantage supplemental healthcare benefit offerings
30 November 2020 - by Catherine M. Murphy-Barron, Eric Buzby
Milliman analyzed Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services reports to identify Medicare Advantage plans that are using new benefit flexibility in 2021.
How Medicare Advantage benchmarks differ for ESRD beneficiaries versus other Medicare beneficiaries
06 April 2020 - by Eric Buzby, Catherine M. Murphy-Barron
As end-stage renal disease beneficiaries become a larger share of a Medicare Advantage plan’s total enrollment, there may be unintended revenue and cost consequences for the plan.
Overview of Medicare Advantage supplemental healthcare benefits and review of Contract Year 2020 offerings
06 April 2020 - by Catherine M. Murphy-Barron, Eric Buzby
Supplemental benefits have been an important differentiator among Medicare Advantage plans since the program’s inception, allowing prospective members to identify plans that offer benefits specific to their needs.
Review of Contract Year 2020 Medicare Advantage supplemental healthcare benefit offerings
04 November 2019 - by Eric Buzby, Catherine M. Murphy-Barron
In the past two years, CMS has expanded the types and flexibility of supplemental benefits Medicare Advantage organizations (MAOs) can offer enrollees. This issue brief discusses the implications of actions taken by plans in response.