Tasha Khan
Since joining Milliman, Tasha has built up extensive expertise in the field of disability insurance. She has provided support and project supervision in the areas of valuation, experience studies, pricing, appraisals, and gross premium valuations. She has also performed data integrity audits for numerous LTD plans. She has worked with several self-funded state and employer disability plans.
Within the field of disability insurance, Tasha specializes in valuation and experience analysis for public and private sector plans. She is responsible for the annual valuation of two large state long-term disability plans, all individual disability business for a large insurance carrier, and several reinsured blocks of disability business. She also helps employers review and monitor liability calculations and experience reporting provided by insurers.
Tasha has assisted her employer clients with management of their leave management programs by providing cost projections for potential leave program changes, analysis and support for paid time-off conversions, identification and selection of disability claim administrators, and evaluation of alternative funding arrangements.
Tasha has presented at several Society of Actuaries industry meetings on topics including data integrity, disability reserve adequacy testing, the impact of the new individual disability valuation table, absence and leave management, and credibility methods in long-term disability. She has also spoken on Milliman’s MG-AlFA software.
Tasha is a contributor to Milliman’s Disability Newsletter and Benefits Perspectives.
- Fellow, Society of Actuaries
- Member, American Academy of Actuaries
- BA Mathematics, University of Maine at Orono, summa cum laude